Saturday, September 28, 2019

This just in from the mental hospital....

Most of Julie's contemporaries, including Ruta Lee, Jackie Joseph, Angie Dickinson, Dawn Wells, Barbara Feldon, Diana Rigg, Terry Moore and Diane McBain, either are not on Facebook at all, or post nothing but a photo once in a while or a reminder that photos are available for purchase.

Julie will give a lot more, including delving into politics. Sometimes this gets some dangerously snarky comments from people on the other side of the issue, but that's balanced by some charming off-topic cries of love and devotion.

Someone gets out of a mental hospital and first thing, posts a love letter on a thread about Trump? That's something.

Give the guy credit for openly stating that he's a mentally ill Julie Newmar fan. Further down on the thread? Some people who would tell you they are perfectly sane. They have people "liking" what they've written, too.

There's a lot of "positive energy" on Facebook.

People are positively sure that what they post is not going to raise a red flag. It's all "communication." Every picture tells a story, and every comment paints a picture, too.

If you're not on Facebook yet, get in on the fun.


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