Saturday, October 30, 2010

Julie Tells her LIFE Stories

It's like going through a photo album with the LIFE magazine website, they unveil 19 pictures that either appeared in the magazine itself or are in their archives, and Julie offers quips on the clips.

For instance, there's a classic shot of Julie stupefyin' the guys in "Li'l Abner." It's a great image, Julie striking a completely unique pose nobody else ever thought of (note the upraised palms, and the poetic angle of the hips). Quoth Julie:

"That was taken while we were performing. That was delicious. I'm thinking luscious thoughts about the men in this world -- that usually gives me a wonderful look on my face."

And what are your thoughts when you see these pix??? Click the header, JULIE TELLS HER LIFE STORIES and go directly to Life's website. Or, cut and paste:

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Julie's New Book

Look for "The Conscious Catwoman Explains Life on Earth," coming in early 2011. Don't leave Earth without it!