Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The CAT IS A...Competition Winners

Facebook is where Julie entertains with clever contests.

(However, NO prize and...NO wagering, please!)

If you don't get Facebook (people are regularly being thrown off or blocked for expressing an opinion), here are Julie's choices for the best responses

Fill in the blank: DOGS make people happy, CATS...

Thanks to ALL the clever responses.

Note that one of the truly clever contest winners is from Robert Risko, a favorite illustrator at Vanity Fair, which is one of the cleverest of magazines. Robert is the one who has done those humorous and flattering portraits of Julie. He captures the warmth and joy of Julie as "Catwoman."

Not every star on Facebook even posts too often or is willing to play games. Some only announce a memorabilia signing or some other item involving financial gain. Not on Julie's Facebook page.

Bookmark it. You do have to register with Facebook to see the page.

And special thanks to Dan Curley, who always calls attention with a fervent bit of enthusiasm, no matter what the topic.

Dan's clever responses don't go unnoticed. Keep them coming. Reading comments on the Facebook page provides hours and hours of entertainment for all.


February 21st at the UCP facilities on L.A., Julie's son John Jewl will be celebrating his 36th birthday.

Yes, there will be a clown! Or is he a mime? Looks like Mr. Nick is both.

Chances are that highlights will be posted on YouTube, as no doubt Clever Gene Hamm will bring a camcorder.

If you don't know Gene Hamm, Julie's choice of word says it all. Clever! One of these days he'll get the Disney assignment as animator, cinematographer or who knows, director, that he dreams of.

You can see highlights of previous parties via YouTube, including this one, where John and the gang watch a mime WALKING AGAINST THE WIND.