Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Newmar Memorabilia at the Smithsonian

Some aspects of the old Batman show were hysterical, and some are now...historical. Julie donated an original Catwoman costume to the Smithsonian during a "Legendary Ladies" event that also included Rose Marie, Carol Channing, Tippi Hedren, Florence Henderson and June Lockhart.
Tippi would've donated her costume from "The Birds" but she wasn't exactly first in the pecking order for it. Most of it is probably still in nests throughout Los Angeles. She did offer the museum her prized Hitchcock film scripts, and the other stars donated some amazing and interesting items, too. Planning a trip to Washington?

Magic on the Red Carpet

Julie's been seen at so many social events lately, from awards ceremonies to charity banquets. Here's fun fashion with passion...

En Garde! (In Garden)

Julie's garden is a famous and fabulous attraction, a stop on the horticulturist's highway all during the Spring and Summer. Charity tours through movie star acreage are a fun way to give money to a good cause, and stop and smell the roses. In Julie's case, she's indeed been honored with her own Julie Newmar Rose, and has had other flowers named after her as well.

Cottage Living, the new House and Garden magazine, will feature Julie in their July-August issue. See if you can harvest a copy. And if you'd like a glimpse down Julie's garden path, this is it...

Drawing those Dangerous Curves

Julie's very flattered by the curvy cartoon created by Glen Hanson. Yes, the green cat-eyes of jealousy sometimes stray at parties when women who can't quite fit into yesterday's gown see that Julie could still fit into costumes from the 60's.
The colorful stylings of this artist can be viewed at his

Julie and All Those Jazz Babies

You can scope some exotic early pictures of Julie in Rizzoli's "Jazz Age Beauties" book. Julie's mother, Helen Jesmer, was a Ziegfeld beauty, and she's in the book, too. Julie wrote the introduction, which is every bit as fascinating as all those striking, sepia-toned sexy photos.