Saturday, September 28, 2019

This just in from the mental hospital....

Most of Julie's contemporaries, including Ruta Lee, Jackie Joseph, Angie Dickinson, Dawn Wells, Barbara Feldon, Diana Rigg, Terry Moore and Diane McBain, either are not on Facebook at all, or post nothing but a photo once in a while or a reminder that photos are available for purchase.

Julie will give a lot more, including delving into politics. Sometimes this gets some dangerously snarky comments from people on the other side of the issue, but that's balanced by some charming off-topic cries of love and devotion.

Someone gets out of a mental hospital and first thing, posts a love letter on a thread about Trump? That's something.

Give the guy credit for openly stating that he's a mentally ill Julie Newmar fan. Further down on the thread? Some people who would tell you they are perfectly sane. They have people "liking" what they've written, too.

There's a lot of "positive energy" on Facebook.

People are positively sure that what they post is not going to raise a red flag. It's all "communication." Every picture tells a story, and every comment paints a picture, too.

If you're not on Facebook yet, get in on the fun.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

TWO WORDS: FORTY BUCKS - Sex Advice goes for less

It's always a bit baffling what sells on eBay and for how much.

The latest in the world of Julie Newmar?

A simple file card with Julie's autograph on it went for $40.

Some people don't know Julie has a and a personalized signed photo can be had for not much more?

Selling for less was a full letter from Julie.

How is that possible?

Some autograph collectors prefer 3x5 cards. Their fetish is to have a neat little metal box to file their items. Anything that isn't 3x5 won't be purchased.

On Facebook, fanboys often try to get a celebrity's attention. Aside from "liking" any remark or any photo that is posted, the fanboy will post an inane question: "What beach was that photo taken at?" "What brand of lipstick were you wearing in that picture?" "You filmed that on location on New York? I'm in Asbury Park, only 4 hours away. Next time you're in New York leave a message on my page and I'll drive in and treat you to lunch!"

This type of thing is usually ignored. But when somebody takes the time to send in a fan letter and asks a desperate question or seeks advice, he might...MIGHT...get lucky.

Don't strain your eyes.

"Jim" on September 22, 1983 (why, a mere 36 years ago) asked Julie what characteristics turn her on in a man. Her reply:

"The characteristics that turn me on most in a man, only its hard to explain, is the ability to communicate and listen, and communicate how one realy is, and to be able to hear how the other person really is. That's all."

One hopes that this helped Jim out. How the letter came into the position of an auction house, one can only speculate.

The auction included a signed picture of Julie and James Mason from the film version of "Marriage-go-Round." I can only add one piece of trivia from personal experience: James Mason was a cat man!

Julie was not yet "The Catwoman," but James Mason was always a "cat man." I only met the man once, and it was at a cat show. Wearing a fedora and a bright colored fuzzy sweater, he was among the thousands attending a combination cat judging show and cat-product display held at a now-defunct convention center on 59th Street. He showed pure delight in beholding every different breed in each cage, taking a lot of time to admire each animal.

He was not with a lady friend (I was, so we had other things to do besides glom James Mason). Perhaps he found a new companion at the show? A cat he named KATRIN after Julie's character in the film? Maybe he noticed a young kitten and pronounced, "A Star is Born!"

Lastly, who knows why this item fetched $200. It probably is a combination of being a rare "high grade" trading card from an old set of Batman art AND having Julie's autograph on it. It's always a bit comical when Julie's asked to sign a comic book featuring a Catwoman that doesn't look like her, or that Funko "Catwoman action figure" with the square head that doesn't even look like a human. Just a can get FOUR signed and personalized 8x10's of Julie in various Catwoman poses (and many others) at!

True Love is Greater than Trump

In the world of gays "witch" can be an epithet applied to a man. Julie's got a very strong gay cult following, so it's not a surprise she'd ding dong a "WITCH IS DEAD...nearly" on Donald Trump.

A lot of guys got a special snicker and chortle over Catwoman calling Mr. "Gray the Pussy" a WITCH.

Is it dangerous to talk politics on social media? A lot of Trump's supports, who love his rude and arrogant bullying, instantly posted their chiding and insults. A lot of others cheerfully wrote "You're right, Julie!" and hoped a 2/3 majority will send Trump packing.

Then again, any post is going to be an excuse for a sudden overboard attention-grabbing declaration of devotion.

As for the response photo, it's hard to read the face of a plush animal, and know for sure if the feeling is one of confusion, agreement, or "somebody needs to be on stronger meds."

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Genius I.Q. and The Great Unknown

Julie has collected a lot of Einstein quotes, but why stop there?

All seriousness aside (as Steve Allen used to say), it's a bit of a surprise that Einstein didn't go the cryogenic route. After all, whose head is better off frozen and possibly thawed one day, his dome, or Ted Williams?

I was told that my I.Q. test ranks me in the 98th percentile of the country.

It's a bit depressing to think there are six million people smarter than me in America. It's six million isn't it? What percentage voted for Trump?

I'm not sure I counted right. You can be close to a genius and still have problems with math. You can also be a genius and not be able to play a Chopin etude. Or paint.

Julie can play a Chopin etude. She can paint. She is the ultimate combination of brains and beauty. Did Einstein play the piano and paint? Or get a Tony Award while speaking in a Swedish accent and wearing nothing but a towel?

I only know one anecdote about Einstein, and it was told to me by my good friend Theodore Gottlieb. He performed on stage and in films as "Brother Theodore."

Theodore managed to get out of Dachau and make his way to America thanks to Einstein, who was a family friend.

Theodore's anecdote:

Einstein was at a party in New Jersey, and it was filled with the usual guests who wanted to get their chance to meet The Great Man. Some offered compliments, but one grand dame shook his hand, and said, "Oh Professor Einstein, please answer a question for me. Is there life after death?"

Einstein said, "How the hell should I know?"

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Think About This, Genius: Julie Can Be More Important than Your Friends

If you're on social media, you've seen MEMES. Tons of them. Facebook. Twitter. Instagram. People can't stop sending you memes.

Email? You get tons of self-help articles, lists of advice and rules to live by. This is why Weird Al Yankovic wrote a song called: "Stop Forwarding That Crap To Me."

There are exceptions when it comes to good advice.

You might remember a TV ad campaign from a famous brokerage company: "When E.F. Hutton talks, people listen."

When Julie Newmar posts on Facebook...PEOPLE LISTEN!

Does that surprise you, Genius? It shouldn't. Her IQ is up there with Einstein, and she's written a book of advice. She just happens to think some of Einstein's comments are pretty good too.

Or as Curly Howard once put it: "Listen and ya just might learn something!"

For some people, Julie is far more influential than Mom, Sister, Brother, or any number of social media friends.

Somebody else sends a list of quotes and would get "why did you do that?" Along with: "And what's with posing with a fish bowl?"

It's a whole different thing when Julie Newmar does it.

Remarkable, isn't it?

No wonder she instantly racks up the joyous comments.

Not to mention the ex-crack addict who responded with a photograph of food. YUM!

A random half-dozen responses:

Follow Julie on Facebook. All you need to do is register. That's not too difficult, Einstein.


Some stars are notorious for being "head down" signers at memorabilia shows and book signings.

As one of our bright young politicians might phrase it, "It's all about the Benjamins."

Some stars, especially women, don't want people coming around behind the table for selfies or smoochies.

Not so with Julie.

All over the Internet fans have posted their touching (and kissing) moments with Julie.

The Impossible Dream? No, no, sometimes you can reach the unreachable star!

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Me Too! ME-TV Jumps at the chance for Julie Newmar click-bait!

It's ALL good...if it involves Julie Newmar.

As websites fight for ad dollars and desperately need to point to "traffic," there's been a cluttery influx of "click bait" all over the Internet. Everywhere you go, there are sidebars and pop ups and offers to "GO HERE!" "CHECK THIS OUT!"

How does a website like METV get traffic? You know what they've got by checking the FREE TV listings on the Net! The answer is trivia contests and "THINGS YOU DIDN'T KNOW" posts.

Here's some things they think YOU don't know about JULIE NEWMAR. How many did you really not know? A true Julie fan should at least know most of these....

Is everything you didn't know actually true? Well...they're not too far off.

For one example, "My Living Doll" was not lost in an earthquake. According to expert research from Peter Greenwood (who put together the 2 DVD set you own) there's no evidence the show was lost by any natural disaster, or a fire. More likely, it's still around, just lost due to bad filing and bureaucratic apathy. Peter was denied access to the mammoth vaults and the "powers that be" simply wouldn't take the time to go through all the film cans still unsorted or ones that could be mis-labeled. It's a common problem with film, video tapes and record masters.

"My Living Doll" should exist in both 16mm and 35mm prints, and these were original stored in at least two different production facilities, one on either coast. Many DVD sets of older shows, including "Have Gun Will Travel," were cobbled together from both 16mm and 35mm sources. There's still hope that prints of the missing episodes will turn up in a garage, in an estate sale, or even overseas. Australia broadcast the show and in those days network feed was not usually the case: TV stations were sent 16mm prints to run at whatever local time slot they felt was best. It'll be a G'day if somebody down under surfaces with the lost shows...